Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Use Of Relativism And Its Effects On The Advertising

Advertisements are â€Å"bombarding† consumers each and every day when most consumers don’t catch a real glimpse of what they are selling them (â€Å"Persuaders†). With all of these advertisements passing by their eyes each day the seller needs to come up with a technique or strategy to catch our eyes and make us come to a halt. Although many different techniques are available for advertisers to use, one technique that is used is using relativism which helps consumers be able to relate to the models in the advertisement based on past and current experiences. Advertisers need to make sure the ad is not only making consumers relate to their ad but it also makes the consumers want to be the people within the ad. I found two vehicle ads who used†¦show more content†¦By using corrective background colors of dark green and brown it made the foreground of the red Toyota emerge from the picture. Another sense that was expressed throughout this ad was sound; view ers can hear the rope getting heaved, the rustle of the trees amongst each other, and the chatter of animals amongst the forest. This is one strategy plan advertiser’s use, making consumers relate to a time they were once camping or it persuades them into wanting to be the models. Whereas on the other hand the Volkswagen ad uses another strategy by trying to make people relate more in depth by making them use their emotions, also known as emotional appeals. An emotional appeal is a subliminal message the ad markets want people to realize without realizing it. As stated by Fowler in his Emotional Appeals Article, â€Å"Many ads seem to be saying, â€Å"If you have this need, then this product will help satisfy it†Ã¢â‚¬  (Fowler). This ad was trying to make consumers notice that if they had a family that needs to be kept safe while traveling then this car would satisfy their needs. Which connects directly to the emotional appeal called the need of safety. The need of safety’s main point is to make sure the viewer never feels as though they are at harm’s way and that they are comfortable with where they are. The advertiser made this very prominent by showing two young boys with facial expressions consisting of content, happiness, and worry- free.Show MoreRelatedThe Media s Influence On Women s Body1102 Words   |  5 PagesShould pictures that are altered carry warning labels? One of the biggest media industries to blame for the thin ideal representation of women is the advertising industry. Unlike journalism, advertising has the ability to solely portray images that don’t have to be factual. According to author Patrick Lee Plaisance (2009), some of the advertising code of ethics are: â€Å"1. A sense of responsibility to consumers, community concerns, and society. 2. Decency, honesty, and truth 3. 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